Artist’s statement

John Sartorius Bernson

Ever since I was a young child, I have always been interested in different aspects of life that pertain to art.  Throughout my life, creating things that are aesthetically pleasing, even if it is as simple as rearranging objects around my house, zhas been a hobby for me.  My inspirations came from my teachers; they always supported me and let my creativity go wild.  Some of my favorite artist I have been lucky enough to have met at glass demos, and have gotten to talk about the glass world they are in.  These artist are people who have started up this glass scene from scratch, and have gone with slang names, because for them its not about the name its about the art.  Artist like Hops, Slinger, Jops, Bearclaw, Ghost just to name a few.   I started loving glass when I was about fifteen years old, when a person I knew introduced me too the glass world.

The kind of glass I enjoy to work with and learn about the most is made at a torch (lampworking), with glass tubes and boro colored glass.  Most glass is made out of Pyrex, which happens to be made in Corning, New York. The glass is a lot more durable and is a lot more workable under the flame.   Over the years that I’ve been blowing glass, I have noticed that a lot of the decisions that I make are because of the information and the techniques I was taught.  Sometimes when I don’t know what step to take next, I try and remember what I’ve seen, and what I’ve absorbed in the classes I’ve taken.   Over the years, I have turned this hobby into something more, something I would enjoy making a career out of.  I commonly use metal and glass to fancy up my pieces, and sometimes I just employ the use of found objects. Glass for me is an endless creative circle where there are infinite ways to express myself.

Glass is a type of medium that everyone could learn to experiment with.  The medium is all about hand and eye coordination.  I have learned by looking at many demos and videos that the gaffer* can determine the heat of the piece by the color it looks and the way it feels.   I encourage people who enjoy the use of fire and very hot objects to try out glass blowing.  This art form is very welcoming to experimentation and one can endlessly improve in it.  I believe anyone can do it because this art involves the use of muscle memory, so the more you practice the better and more fluid your work will become.  Every bowl, cup and sphere starts out with a blown bubble and in till you can blow this, you cant start glass blowing.   Practicing this bubble is essential.

As an artist, I have been fortunate enough to have lived all over the world, experiencing much diversity in regards to art work.  I try and use my global views and incorporate them into my pieces of art.    As far as a career goes, I’ll have to see where it takes me.  I would also like to teach glass classes at some point, but I would also like to be able to support my family with everything they need.

*Person In charge of the Piece being made.

Paper Structure

Chair with proposal

Chair Project Proposal

For this project I chose to make a scaled down version of a chair, appropriate for a doll or small figure. I carved this chair out of a large, thick tree branch. The first step in my process was to de-bark the branch. Then I used a handsaw to cut the top and bottom of the branch off. I did this so the chair could sit flush with the ground. Then I began hand carving the inner workings of the chair. I used all sized wood carving tools to achieve a balanced look. I shaped a head into the top of the chair to give it personality. The last step was a sand; I used two grains of sandpaper to achieve a smooth, yet natural, finish.

Paper Structures

Our Video Of The Recycle Life

Here is a link to our video hope you enjoy


Recycle Life

Recycle Life Plans

~ The movie will start playing on the screen

~Sarah Gender and Sarah May will be stationed in their spots on the sides of the stage

~ Jack runs into the auditorium with the red line (red duck tape) in his hand.

~ He runs up onto the stage and sticks the line onto the projection screen.

~ Jack then goes into the center of the stage and curls up into a ball on the floor.

~ The lights turn off and when they turn back on there will one spotlight on Jack

~ Jack will start crawling on the ground like a baby (10 seconds)

~ Kevin and Jake (dressed in black) will run onto stage with their words “ Boo Boo” and “Ouchie” and push Jack down. As they push him down they will stick the words onto him.

~ After being pushed Jack will sit and cry but begin to crawl again (10 sec)

~ Jack will then being to try and walk, stumbling with trouble. (10 sec)

~ K/J run onto stage again and push Jack down carrying the words “Oops” and “Try Again” sticking the words onto him and they push him.

~ Jack gets back up and stumbles walking (10 sec)

~ Jack starts to walk upright (5 sec)

~ K/J run onto stage with the words “Pain” and “Injury” and push jack down again.

~ Jack walks with a limp (10 sec)

~ Jack walks normally again (5 sec)

~ K/J come out and hit Jack with the words “Depression” and “Poverty”

~ Jack starts to sob/cry while he walks (10 sec)

~ Jack walks normally (5 sec)

~ K/J come out and hit Jack with the words “Disease” and “Hopelessness”

~ Jack walks slowly and hunched over

~ K/J come out with the words death and start to circle Jack. As the circle him they all move twords Sarah Gender.

~ K/J Then “suffocate” Jack by just covering him.

~ Sarah Gender points to the scene

~ K/J walk away calmly and as they walk Jack is on the ground dead.


All Seasons

seasons Of Life Large




Winter Tree



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